Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Father’s Last Wish

Shame on Supreme Court and Nepal Cabinet who has stolen my father’s only the property he had in Dhankuta where he was born and grew up which he inheritated from his ancestors.  My dad was in good health although he was 88 years old. He was fighting for his land in the supreme court of Nepal for 11 years.  He had 3 grand children to take care.  He said in his last breath on 7th of June, 2011 in the hospital bed that he just wanted to live one more year to win his land and pass it to his grand children which came from his ancestors.   
I went to his lawyer to find out about his land. His lawyer told me, he has been losing his case due to Act 2019, 2 (N). According to cabinet’s decision in B.S. 2051/3/17, his land was registered in the Nepal Government. He fought for his land for 11 years till his death and he is not going to win which is in the supreme court now. I want to pursue his dream to come true which was his birth right and only the property he had and he died as “Sukumbasi”(man with no land) which was stolen by the Nepal Government with the help of Cabinet 2051. Please forward this to your network, I need your help and suggestion - How to go further????

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