First time, I heard about “Yangdang Phongma” from my mother which is known Nwaran in Nepali Language (child naming ceremony). She told me “Yangdang Phongma” ritual is done in three days for a baby girl and four days for a baby boy. According to her, the house is considered impure until this ritual of “Yangdang Phongma” is performed, so early in the morning the house is plastered with clay , then water of 7 springs is sprinkled inside and outside of the house. Mother and the new born baby both are given proper bath. I also remember that my mother said - Tagera Ninwphuma writes destiny of the new born baby on the day of “Yangdang Phongma” . From this day a soul develops inside the baby, so it is a very important day.
It is the first day, the baby is shown light (Sun) and also introduced to moon and stars. The new born baby is given name by the Phedangma (Limbu priest). This ritual ceremony is done by Phedangma in the presence of Tumyahangma (elders). Posted by Eksha Limbu
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